Ant Treatments

Get rid of ants from your home. Effectively!

VANCOUVER 778 300 3675

Ant Control & Extermination in Ottawa, Vancouver BC & Toronto

Protect your commercial or residential property from ants with Essen Pest Control. We offer professional Ant Control, Treatment & Extermination Services in Ottawa, Vancouver BC, and neighboring cities in Toronto. We are a government-approved company specializing in ant and other pest control. If you are facing an ant infestation, we highly recommend seeking the professional ant removal services of Essen Pest Control to effectively get rid of them.

Why choose Essen Pest Control?

  • Essen Pest Control is a trustworthy name in domestic and commercial pest control for over 21 years.
  • Government approved, licensed, insured and bonded pest control company.
  • Fully trained and experienced professionals that attend to your needs effectively.
  • Quality service and affordable pricing!

Schedule a home inspection now.


If you see winged ant-like insects around your property, you must know if they are ants or subterranean termites. If they are swarming termites, there is an estabilshed colony nearby looking for new nesting areas... and that menas your is in danger.Call us immediately, We'll eliminate the old colony and protect you from these home-damaging insects.

Ant identification is not easy. Ants are social insects, living in colonies that may number thousnads. Ant queens lay eggs. Ant colonies of some species of ants have only one queen while other species may have many queens. Worker ans forage for food for the colony, care for the queen and young, and defend the colony. Workers can be one size (monomorphic) or two or more sizes (Polymorphic). Colonies may reproduce by swarming or budding. Ant nests commonly consist of underground tunnels and chambers. Some species make mounds of earth or ant hills. The queens stay in the nest and workers bring them food. It is the workers you may see in and around your structure.

To control ants, pest control specialists must choose a treatment to target the infesting species. ants must be treated differently, depending upon the species.

When your property is invaded by ants, do not disturb them. If you must, be sure you are (positive) of the origin of their location. If you spray a store bought pesticide, this will reduce our chances of using any baits. Baits are slower even when readily excepted, but this is the overall best method of positive control. if these invaders have already established a satellite colony in your home, baiting may be the only method to completely rid your home of these intruders. Applications of liquis pesticides do have their place and it certainly has a faster knockdown of the visible ans, plus it gives you some repellency. Remember, if a satellie colony is established in your structure|(home), spraying your home in any fashion will only be temporay. you will still have your ants and they will simply regroup like the MARINES and they will be back.

More About Ants

Ants belong to the family Formicidae, Within the order Hymenoptera. This order also includes bees and wasps. Ants are of ecological importance for their roles as predators and scavengers, in seed and pollen dispersal, and in soil structure.

Ants have six legs and an exoskeleton, like all other insects. The exoskeleton provides the body with structural strength, as an internal skeleton dose with vertebrates. It also serves as an attachment point for muscles and allows the passage of gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide into the body through small valves knows as spriacles. An ant's distinctive body shape is characterzed by its three primary body segments, which consists of its head, mesosoma and metasoma. The mesosoma is the fusion of the thorax and first abdominal segments. The metasoma is composed of a narrow of a narrow waist, or petiole, and the remaining abdominal segments, which are known as the gaster. All six of an ant's legs are attached to the thorax. The queens and drones of most ant species also have wings that they shed after their nuptial fight.

Ants are social insects and live in colonies with three distinct types of adults called castes. Queens are larger then their peers and are responsible for egg laying. Some species have only one queen per colony whereas others have many. Males are responsible for mating with the queens; they do not participate in any other activities. Workers are sterile wingless females. They make up the bulk of the colony and are responsible for building and defending the nest, caring for the young and foraging for food. New colonies are established by a single fertillzed queen that lay hundreds of eggs. After about 30 day the eggs hatch into legless larvae that do not resemble adults. The queen cares for the "maggot-like" larvae until they pupate approximately 1-2 months later. Within three weeks the pupae transform into adult workers, which begin collecting food for themselves, the queen and for future generations of larvae. Eggs are laid continously throughout the spring, summer and tall. Colonies overwinter in the soil, woody areas or in garden trash.


Pest ants often nest in and around buildings, congregate in food preparation areas and have the potential to spread disease. Ants feed on a wide variety of foodstuffs and can be predators or scavengers.

One of the biggest problems related to ants in the home is food contamination. Ants carry bacteria on their bodies, which spreads when they crawl in pantries and across countertops. Only a few species are known to transmit diseases, but finding any type of ant in pantry goods or inside the home is an unpleasant experience that creates unisances.

Some species, like carpenter and fir ants, cause additional problems. A carpenter ant infestation can do costly damage by chewing tunnels through wood beams. fire ant stings that involve envenomation can cause pain and more serious symptoms that often result in allergic teactions to some people who are hyper-sensitive to ant stiongs.

Ants Will typically continue invading the kitchen unless they' re treated, especially if there is enough food and water to support additional colonies. Multiple colonies will make the ants much more difficult ot eradicate, since each colony will have at least one queen. A kitchen with abundant food and water may also cause the ants to build nests inside the house.


Here are some tips on how to get rid of ants in your home or business;

Use Chalk

Chalk contains calcium Carbonate, which helps in keeping ants away. spray some powdered chalk in the areas that are the entry ponts of ants or draw a line of chalk at the entrance.

Use Lemons

Squeeze a lemon or place lemon peels in places from where the ants enter.You can also wash your floors with water that has a little lemon juice added to it. Ants don't like the smell of lemon juice so they will keep away.

Use Oranges

Make a psots of one cup warm water and a few orange peels. Spread this paste around entry points of and wipe it afterward.

Use Baking Soda & Powdered Sugar

Apparently, the powdered sugar attracts the ants and the baking soda kills them. Mix 1 part sugar with 1 part baking soda and then place your mixture in shallow lids wherever you see ants.

Use Pepper

Ants are pretty fond of sugar but they hate pepper. Sprinkle pepper at the areas form where ants enter your house.This is will help getting rid of ants.

Use Salt

Spreading salt near nooks and corners from where ants enter the house will help kepping ants away.

White Vinegar

Ants can's bear the smell of white vinegar. Prepare a solution of equal amounts of water and white vinegar. Add a few drops of essential oil to it and shake well. Store this solution and sprinkle it at the points from where the ants enter. Repeat this once daily

Use Vinegar

Like essential Oils, the smell of vinegar repels ants and also masks their scent trails.It is best with another repellent, like citrus peels or essential oils.

Use Cinnamon

Put cinnamon and cloves on the entrance of the house and the areas from where you think the ants can enter. This a good method to also keep your house smelling fresh and earthy.

Use Peppermint

Peppermint is an insect repellent, Which Can help you get rid of ants. Ants don't like the smell of peppermint and are likely to avoid areas that contain traces of it. Prepare a mixture of 10 drops of peppermint essential oil and a cup of water and sprinkle it Wherever you find ants. Repeat this twice a day. You can even sprinkle dried dried peppermint instead of the liquid mixture.


Stopping an ant problem berore it starts is typically much easier than controlling them once they've become established. Prevention Methods May be Classified into the following catergories:

  • Cleaning
  • Food storage
  • Dehydration
  • Sealing

Remove pheromones around the house's entry ponts, Thus preventing Other ants from following a trail. Scrup these areas with a mild solution of soap and water. Clean up spilled food in the kitchen to avoid attracting ants.Keep food in sealed containers, especially those containing sugar.Dispose of unused pet food instead of allowing it to remain in a dish. Taking out the grabage regularly keeps the smell from attarcting ants. Minimize the amount of water around your house by fixing leaky pipes.Ensure that your gutters drain water away from your house. You may also want to remove excess moisture from the air with a dehumidifler if you live in a humid area. Seal any entrance points for ants in your house - Primarily ctacks in your foundations, walls and windows.

If you do use insecticides or ant control products make sure you carefrully follow the instructions for use. To ensure the most effective pest control however contact a reputable a reputable pest control company like Essen Pest Control. Our services:

Our service area includes Ottawa, Vancouver BC, Toronto and the surrounding areas. For Ants removal and pest control, Schedule a home inspection now!

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